Monday, July 03, 2006


A few important points from a post by Sidi Hakim on the IslamicNaturalHealing yahoogroup

.....Healing should always be as gentle as possible, in fact the organism recoils, if you will, if there is too much to deal with and cure then cannot take place..........

.......Remember that even the mechanism of denial can be a Mercy of the design ofthe system to enable limited function until such time as the person can undertake the task of facing and dealing with or renegotiating all parts tobe completely integrated into the whole of their being.......

....I look to the Muslims to begin integrating all of this in an understanding based in their deen and making use of all the Generous Hikma coming forth to become healers of ourselves.The Hadith that the Hikmah is the lost riding beast of the Mu'min and that he has a right to it wherever he may find it is relevant as well as the counsel of the Shaykh who said that the path is all based in the act of istinjaa, I mean by this that we take in for nourishment much and we make use of the best parts and aspects of all we take in, adding them to rebuild, nourish and fuel the body, our system separating out the valuable, the best and let the rest go, without delay and without undue attention and then wash accordingly. Insha'Allah....


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